How to Make Pickled Ginger

Gari (ginger)

Gari is a type of tsukemono (pickled vegetables). It is sweet, thinly sliced young ginger that has been marinated in a solution of sugar and vinegar. Young ginger is generally preferred for gari because of its tender flesh and natural sweetness. Gari is often served and eaten after sushi, and is sometimes called sushi ginger.
When traditionally prepared, gari typically has a pale yellow to slightly pink hue from the pickling process. Only very young ginger will develop the slight pink tint. Many brands of commercially produced gari are artificially colored pink (often by E124 and/or beet juice), either to intensify the color or because the ginger used is too mature to turn pink upon pickling.

Gari is usually eaten between dishes of sushi, as it is said to help cleanse the palate. Ginger has antiseptic properties, and was originally eaten with sushi to counter the ill effects of bad fish. Gari is not meant to be consumed in any type of sushi or hand roll.
Gari can help ease stomach nausea.

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How to Make Pickled Ginger

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